Info to be added later
1. Shrub, evergreen, opposite, variegated, simple (6”less or more), margin not smooth, fruit ovoid, red
See Oregon State Univ. Landscape Plants website
2. Native, evergreen, alternate, green, compound, pinnate, less than 10 leaflets, unlobed, obvious spines on margin, yellow flowers, fruit blue or black
See Oregon State Univ. Landscape Plants website
3. Native, tree, conifer, evergreen, green, single, petiole-like stalk, cone pendent and woody
See Oregon State Univ. Landscape Plants website
4. Tree, deciduous, alternate, green, simple, greater than 6", pointed lobes, margin not smooth, fruit spherical
See Oregon State Univ. Landscape Plants website
5. Shrub, evergreen, alternate, green, simple, less 6", margin with obvious sprines, fruit spherical
See Oregon State Univ. Landscape Plants website
6. Tree, native, deciduous, green, compound, pinnate, less than 10 leaflets, unlobed, margin more or less smooth, fruit winged
See Oregon State Univ. Landscape Plants website
7. Shrub, evergreen, opposite, green, compound, 3-leaflets, unlobed, margin more or less smooth, prominent odor when crushed, flowers showy and white
See Oregon State Univ. Landscape Plants website
8. Tree, deciduous, alternate, green, simple, greater than 6", pointed lobes, margin not smooth, fruit spherical and brown
See Oregon State Univ. Landscape Plants website
9. Tree, deciduous, opposite, green, compound, palmate, unlobed, margin not smooth, flowers showy and white, fruit spherical and brown
See Oregon State Univ. Landscape Plants website
10. Tree, deciduous, opposite, green, simple, 6" or less, pointed lobes, margin not smooth, winged fruit
See Oregon State Univ. Landscape Plants website
11. Native, tree, conifer, evergreen, pyramidal, green, needles attached directly to stem, cone pendent and woody
See Oregon State Univ. Landscape Plants website
12. Native, deciduous, alternate, green, simple, 6" or less, unlobed, margin not smooth
See Oregon State Univ. Landscape Plants website
13. Shrub, evergreen, alternate, green, simple, 6" or less, unlobed, margin more or less smooth, white flowers, not showy, fruit red or black, spherical
See Oregon State Univ. Landscape Plants website