Hydrangea paniculata
Common name: 
Panicle Hydrangea
hi-DRAN-je-a pan-ik-u-LA-ta
Native to (or naturalized in) Oregon: 
  • Large, broadleaf, deciduous shrub or small tree, 7-25 ft (2.1-7.6 m) tall, shoots pubescent then glabrous.   Leaves simple, opposite or in whorls of 3's, ovate, 7-15 cm long, acuminate, rounded or tapered at base, toothed.  Flowers in panicles, conical or pyramidal, 15-20 cm long, with a few white-pink sterile flowers and numerous yellow-white, fertile flowers, downy stalks; blooms in summer into fall.
  • Sun to part shade, best in rich, well-drained, moist soil.  Tough plant.  Flowers on new wood, so it can be pruned after blooming (i.e., fall, winter, early spring).
  • Hardy to USDA Zone 3      Native to Japan and eastern and southern China.
  • Many cultivars.  Dirr (2009) describes over 30. Here are three:
    • Angel Blush®  -  showy sterile flowers are white but turn pinkish and finally rosy-red
    • 'Pink Diamond'  - sterile flowers emerge white but turn to a rich pink; they are in dense clusters
    • 'Unique'  -  flowers in large clusters, first white then they turn pinkish, color intensifies with age
  • paniculata: flowers in panicles (panicle: a branched indeterminate inflorescence [flower cluster] with flowers maturing from the bottom upwards).
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