Crinodendron hookerianum
Common name: 
Chilean Lantern Tree
Lantern Tree
krin-o-DEN-dron huk-a-ree-AH-num
Tricuspidaria lanceolate
Native to (or naturalized in) Oregon: 
  • Evergreen shrub or tree; may reach 30 ft (9 m) in the wild, but in cultivation often a multistemmed shrub to about 13 ft (4 m); branches straight and ascending. Leaves are simple, opposite (occasionally alternate or whorled), narrowly oblong-lanceolate, 5-10 cm long, acute apex, margin serrate, usually turned under (revolute), glossy dark green above with impressed veins, the underside is paler and downy; short stalked. Flowers are lantern like, hanging below the branches, 3-6 cm long, petals (5-6) are scarlet to maroon, 5 fused green sepals, 15-18 stamen, and a style exerted beyond the stamen. The fruit is a green to tan capsule with 3 to 5 valves.
  • Part sun, bright shade, regular moisture
  • Hardy to USDA Zone (8b) 9          Native to the temperate rainforests of Chile, where it grows near streams in shady and humid areas.
  • Crinodendron: from the Greek, krinŏn, lily, and, dendron, tree.      hookerianum: honors Sir William J. Hooker, a famous English botanist who studied many Chilean plants and the Director of Kew Gardens from 1841 to his death in 1865.


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  • plant habit, summer flowering

    plant habit, summer flowering

  • flowers and foliage

    flowers and foliage

  • leaf


  • flower
